Chief Manufacturing Officer

Jason Beard

When Jason was first hired in 2018, his title was Engineering Manager for National Manufacturing Group. Through his hard work and dedication to excellence, today has earned the title of Chief Manufacturing Officer, overseeing all of Nationals production floors.

Jason has always appreciated National Manufacturing Group because the friendly “get to know you” attitude permeates the entire organization.

Jason works each day; treating customers like partners is the best way to support the Small Plant Focus, Big Company Resources National brand promise.

While he is conservative by nature and would tell you that there’s not too much special about him, others may disagree. Why, because it takes an extraordinary person to, with his wife, provides foster care for 11 years and fostered 45 kids in that time. Ultimately, adopting their son, who has developmental disabilities. Jason’s comment about this achievement: While it has been challenging, it’s also an incredibly rewarding period of our lives. 

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